ClassPass Redesign

Personal project | Mobile app | Case study

Rewiring the new ClassPass experience — a subscription based, one-stop platform focusing on elevating customization, efficiency, and accessibility. It offers an expansive array of workouts and wellness services tailored for all. Why redesign ClassPass? The exploration began with a deep dive into user pain points.

Click here to see the full case study.

Why redesign ClassPass?


Non-optimal filtering, search bar bugs, lack of personalization, complex onboarding and scheduling processes, as well as visual inconsistencies and a limited social component, hinder seamless user experience.


Improving the onboarding process, optimizing personalization within the dashboard and algorithm, implementing a brand refresh and new design system for consistency, and introducing an interactive social component for easier friend discovery, these enhancements address usability challenges effectively.


Enhancing user engagement, retention, and satisfaction, leading to improved business performance and growth, and reinforcing ClassPass's competitive position in the fitness market.

Unifying the visual language

Creating a cohesive and polished brand identity involves resolving current visual inconsistencies. This includes establishing a unified color palette of secondary colors, updating typography to align with the brand's personality and target audience and streamlining the development process and simplifying updates and scalability. For the full design system: ClassPass Design System

The onboarding journey

By making the onboarding experience more seamless and personalized, such as more targeted questions on users' fitness interests and goals, ClassPass can enhance its algorithm to recommend relevant classes.

Crafting a data driven homepage

Establishing data preferences from the outset during onboarding sets a solid foundation, simplifying the homepage and customizing it to individual preferences for a more targeted user experienc.

Because life is too short for complicated scheduling

Optimizing search bar bug and expanding the range of filtering options, including intensity level of fitness and type of fitness activity. This empowers users to easily identify classes aligning to their abilities.

Now effortlessly maneuver across the map to arrange their bookings

Correlating the numbers of the tag to the content provides users with a quick overview of each class.

However, this approach presents a new problem: with the volume of data and user interactions, how do I efficiently present summarized data without overwhelming users? To address the challenge of displaying aggregated information, I could explore implementing features such as layer control with toggles, clustering markers, custom icons, and more.

Classes are not as fun without friends

Integrating social features, enabling activity tracking with friends, easy class invitations, and a feed. Resulting in boosts platform visibility, attracts new users, and strengthens brand loyalty.

The old vs the new

ClassPass's current challenges of visual inconsistencies, non-optimal filtering and search bar bugs, lack of personalization, complex onboarding and scheduling processes. Now with a cohesive design system, an optimal personalized onboarding journey, enhanced filtering options and improved search functionality. These solutions foster greater user engagement, retention, and satisfaction, ultimately driving business performance and growth while reinforcing ClassPass's competitive position in the fitness market.

Thank you!

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Rewiring the new ClassPass experience — a subscription based, one-stop platform focusing on elevating customization, efficiency, and accessibility. It offers an expansive array of workouts and wellness services tailored for all. Why redesign ClassPass? The exploration began with a deep dive into user pain points.

Click here to see the full case study.

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Click here to see the full case study.

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